Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

19 seater N219 Aircraft

N219 Aircraft - Indonesian Aerospace (PTDI) and LAPAN (Indonesian Aerospace Research Institution) are preparing a new aircraft manufacturing purely made in indonesian, named N219. Even for the current preparations can be said final because it was through a series of experiments in the wind tunnel. Even, this time, the project has entered to cutting part session.

Ilustration of N219 planes

Actually this is not new news, because the planning and preparation has been started since a few years ago, precisely in 2006. The light aircraft though with a simple design (not as sophisticated N-250), but still have a market opportunity that could be quite an opportunity, particularly for island states hilly as Indonesia itself. Furthermore, this N219 aircraft will also be used as a medium for the training of personnel trained PT DI to get a perfect experience in aircraft manufacturing process from stage zero to the plane can fly.

N219 aircraft is a twin turbo prop planes designed for 19 passengers made in Bandung, Indonesia. Full glass cockpit on N219 is a new aircraft technology.

Code N-219 itself is not something that is random or accidental. Code "N" means "archipelago" which means that the aircraft domestically-made pure, Indonesia. Code "2" means that the aircraft will be carrying two engines (engines), who would rather wear a propeller engine (propeller). While the code "19" is a number that is used to mention that this versatile aircraft capable of carrying 19 passengers.

Cutaway N219

If there is no difficulty, it is about 2015 or 2016 this N219 aircraft can be produced in which the plan of the unit will bi priced at 4 million USD. We'll wait....

General Specification
Mission/usage                            : multipurpose aircraft
Passenger capacity                     : 19 seats (for comercial flight)
Runway length required              : 600 m for take-off, and below 600 m for landing
Powerplan                                 : twin turboprop

Max speed                : 395 km/h
Economic speed       : 352 km/h
Range                       : 1580 nautical mille
MTOW                    : 7270 kg
Max load                  : 2.500 kg
Rate of climb            : 2.300 ft/mnt

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